Monday 9 December 2013

How is it that Tameside Labour councillors can save a library in Derbyshire and not save their own libraries in Tameside?

Tameside Labour councillors and candidates who travelled over to Derbyshire to help "save" Glossop's Library including Brenda Warrington (Denton West, front row, left), Allison Gwynne (Denton North-East, front, centre) and Claire Francis (Denton South, front row, 5th from right). How many others can you identify?

 "The Local Voice" - Newsletter Derbyshire

Following the huge cuts to local library services made by Tameside Labour Council last year, it is very interesting to come across this leaflet distributed by the Labour Party in Glossop, which I think raises many legitimate questions regarding our own borough councillors:

How is it that Tameside Labour councillors can save a library in Derbyshire and not save their own libraries in Tameside?

How is it that the Tameside councillors were not so actively involved with the campaigns by local residents in their own wards to save their libraries?

Were the Tameside councillors still claiming their allowances and expenses for the wards that they represent whilst they were campaigning outside the borough?

They could argue, of course, that they have been involved in the campaign to save this Derbyshire library as volunteers. But then, if that is the case, why can they devote such free time to another district when they are actually paid by the people of Tameside to represent them?

I'm sure that many people who read this article - especially residents living in areas including Denton South, Denton West, Hyde Newton and Ashton Hurst wards - would certainly have their own additional questions to put to these councillors who are supposedly their elected representatives?

Carl Simmons
Denton South Independent
Monday 9th December 2013

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